Sunday, September 30, 2018

Dance It In! How Expressive Movement Activates Your Ability to Manifest in Money & Business

Activating your ability to manifest whatever you need in material matters of money and business can be as simple as indulging in a bit of conscious creativity, such as making time for expressive dance. When you’re moving in ways that express your soul’s purpose, become increasingly empowered in ways which increase your potential for dynamic success.
Expressive movement is accessible at all ages and abilities.

As a former dancer and professional dance writer, I came to expressive and sacred dance more than a decade ago, looking for a way to experience “presence” without a daily formal dance class.  After years of daily dance, followed by more years of sitting behind a desk writing, editing, and working as a publicist, my body and spirit yearned for authentic movement. I knew my body had become stuck, its life force stymied by inactivity, blocking my ability to manifest. As a certified sacred dance facilitator, I understand

only five minutes of dance is enough to activate our stored energy potential and enhance the ability to manifest in the physical world with grace and ease. 

It’s become my secret to quick manifestation and shifts in personal vibration to enhance my business, particularly with shifting my mindset, making decisions about next steps, and clarifying my work with clients. It could help you, too.

Getting Started
Let’s say you wish to consciously dance in the answer to a specific problem. Choose your music intuitively, then step into a space in which you can move, and close your eyes. Begin by simply breathing deeply, and let your body begin moving as it feels ready. Next, set your intention for your dance. Dance your truth as you move, whatever that feels like.

What Happens
You’ll find music and dance help you bring your inner reality and outer experience into alignment. As you continue to move and express yourself through your body, watch for insights which occur, shifts in perspective, and Divine downloads of all sorts. Or, follow the movement as it flows naturally to create the potential for transformation to occur. As you move, try to forget about how the movement looks, simply connecting with your uniqueness and ways of expression. Whatever comes, just let it flow through you until it’s been fully expressed.

Dance infuses your life and your life’s work with a spark of unmistakable passion.

In your business, you’ll experience a greater capacity to manage stress. You’ll be able to think in new, creative ways, and shift perspectives to find more than one way to shift any situation. You’ll fear less, and act more, gaining confidence and a sense of increasing freedom of choice. You’ll feel centered in your higher purpose, connected with universal mind, more joyful. Your capacity to help others while remaining grounded will increase.

Sherri's integrative collage to initiate manifestation after dance workings.

Following Up

As you feel complete with your expressive dance, consider a way to capture the insights you received. Journaling about your experience, or writing a letter to your higher self, is one option. Another may be crafting a creation collage, working quickly to find and layer images which help bring the desired results out of the mental realm and into the physical world. If you are artistic, you may wish to craft a mandala reflective of your experience, or work in clay to sculpt an image which reminds you of what you’re choosing to create in the world. Consider creating a small sacred space or altar near your work space, and place your creation there to keep you focused and moving forward in the dance of your life.

Sherri L. McLendon, MA, is the original author of the Priestess Scribe content, program and offers. This article was originally published in WNC Woman.