Powerful Pen

The Powerful Pen

On Journaling as a Power-Full Spiritual Practice

Why would anyone keep a journal?

I use mine to whine, to rail, to complain... to call in change.

I use mine to chronicle, sort through, dig deep... to call in change.

I use mine to talk directly with Source, or to balance my inner selves... and call in change.

I use mine to workshop my relationships, grow my business, grow myself... and call in change.

Journalling is a text of the self. And the way I do it, it's a text of the higher self. It's about letting my lower self, my monkey mind, my cortisol laden brain clear out so my higher self and my purpose can get through.

Plain paper, an inspiring writing implement, the page, and you. What a beautiful way to start each day.

Powerful Pen Tip #1: Start each day with Journaling as a Spiritual Practice

Here is what I know is true:

  • I cannot lie on the page
  • I cannot commit to straight lines or neatness
  • I cannot always use words
  • I sometimes skip journaling as an avoidance tactic (see #1)
  • I sometimes journal when I have nothing to say just to clear the way
My journal is my refuge and solace.

It's the place where I write letters to my Mama, who isn't here any longer. I write to my guardian angels and my divine feminine leaders. I write to my child and to my inner child. Blessings, prayers, poems, blurts, plans, welcome all.

I also write things I don't intend others to see. My mother kept a journal where she "dumped" big blobs of worry. In everyday life, she was an optimistic person. I believe in my heart that she was able to see the bright side of things because she got them out of her psyche and onto the page.
I journal to cope. For decades, I've struggled with stress and seasonal blues. Journaling is my pathway through the dark months and back to light.

Due to the recent political climate, I have returned to my journal as a way to find a stillpoint in the chaos, a touchstone, a way to hear myself think and feel without the cacophany of monkey minds we encounter online and in life these days.

Taking this right action led to almost instantaneous infusions of energy and clarity. As my favorite poem by Max Ehrmann says, "Go out amidst the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence."

Powerful Pen Tip #2: Find the silence where your inner voice resides with Journaling as a Spiritual Practice

This kind of silence isn't the one of "keeping quiet." It's the place where we find our voices and meet our truth. It's a place that's above or beyond the commonplace in resonance. It's the sacred space where journalling takes place.

My favorite way to journal is to prepare the space. I clear the table, lay out my tools as though I'm creating a formal place setting for a special dinner with a lover. I light a favorite candle: orange or nutmeg with coffee beans or spice. Ground and center. I open my eyes and begin to write. Stream of consciousness, the words spill over the page in blobs and blurts. I write without lines and without limits. Whatever comes, comes.


I write in different ways at different times of day. At night, I may write about why I cannot sleep, why the owl hoots at the dog who barks back, or I may make a list of gratitudes.

Gratitude journaling at night is a beautiful way to close a day.

So you'll find different types of journals scattered all over my house dedicated to different types of journaling. For most meanderings, I recommend an 8 1/2 by 11 sketchbook journal with no lines.

Should you need boundaries, you'll be the person defining those. If you choose an artist's pad with spiral binding, decorate the front cover with fabric or special paper and trim to make the journal special to you.

Within the past year, a beautiful group of women and I worked with a range of journaling techniques, tactics and tools gleaned from more than two decades of writing my way back to center. It's from that place that the Priestess Scribe concept began to emerge.

Powerful Pen Tip #3: Share your work joyfully from a place of gratitude and pure love.

Good things will come of it.

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